"The Pravargya ritual is an integral component of the Somayag and takes place several times.
In the process of Pravargya fresh cow-ghee is poured into the Mahavir pot (three-partitioned earthen pot created through a specific process) and boiled on fire.
Simultaneously, Rigveda, Samveda and Yajurveda mantras are chanted in deep solemn voice till the cow-ghee reaches its boiling point. |
When the ghee has reached its boiling point, fresh milk is taken from a cow and a goat at the Yajnya place and oblation of cow-milk/goat-milk is given to the boiling cow-ghee. Instantly, with very great intensity, the flame shoots up into the atmosphere about 10 meters."
Photo series above: Pravargya Fire. To the right Mahavir pot filled with ghee at the point of boiling.
Photos below: sunrise and sunset Agnihotra is practiced daily in the Somayag shala. |